Last weekend, while Kyle was shooting Tamsin's beautiful wedding, I, along with my housemates, took care of precious Papito. Suffice to say, we loved it.
So what are the rules for being nana for the day for Papi?
1. Take her away from Mama Kyle quickly so crying doesn't commence (magically, Papito was happily distracted by bushes and plants and other dogs' pee that Kyle could slip away without too much notice)
2. Careful with the leash tugging, especially while entering and exiting death-eater elevator.
3. Treat time!
4. Carinyo time with all house mates. This entails lots of jumping and frantic running, Papi likes meeting new people.
5. Treat time!
6. Take her for an outdoor lunch. Good Papi, she just sits all relaxed, no table harassing while my housemate enjoyed her kebab.
7. Treat time!
8. Take her for a wee pee break. Laugh as D marvels at how girl dogs pee (had he really never seen this before?)
9. Grab Papi and evacuate as big street dog meanders into my park. Papi is thankful.
10. Feel sad every time I leave the apartment and Papi cries at the door.
I am such a luck Tia to get to spend the day with Papito. I think Papi had a good day.